Friday 2 December 2016

Wasit University Gone Google Education

Wasit University has 865 Lecturersand more than 17000 studentsWe are keen that everyone works in one learning environmentCharacterized by modernity and developmenttherefore we gone google educationPreviously ... it was a big challenge facing us in the operation of electronic applicationsBecause its need a high financial resources, management and follow-up and developmentBut today with google we focus on how to use these services in educationWithout thinking about storage, protection or updating servicesWhich is of course free .. .. This is a goodgoogle classroom helped us a lot to find the best way to deal with homeworknow I can create discussion or upload lecture sheetsor create homework by smartphoneeven I was outside a collegeby google siteswe created e-portal to lecturers and studentscontaining lectures , annousments , lessons calender , and resultse-portal became one source for informationthe students can browse it inside or outside a collegeby google apps we created network containing lecturers and studentsit is easy to connect them nowwe was need to many days for reach lecturerto announce him for conference participation or meetingToday our work has become more efficient with GoogleAs students .. we were faced difficult in working togetherBoth in terms of the completion of the reports or researchnow with google drive .. we organize our files with better wayit is Possible to accomplish a worksheet or a common homework without the need for direct meetingsNow we are studying in an interactive learning environmentIt enables us to communicate even if we were in a travel or vacationwe don't lose anythinggoogle apps is very easy to useThe nice thing that there is one e-mail addressOperates all servicesWhich means the availability of all my datain one safe place
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